Meta-language - 'language about language'
Systems of Signification
- images and objects all have a meaning
- designers create meanings
- signifier - the sign itself
- signified - the concept
- semiotics define the process of communication
- signs are automatically understood
- Systems and Structures
- often systems can be culturally informed as symbols change in different cultures
- swastica - hindu "all is well" also recognized as the nazi symbol
- meaning of sign depends on what context it was read in
- connotation - Nuetral , calm
- denotation - Blue
- connotation - Organic, eco-friendly
- denotation - Green
- rhetorical questions are asked to make points
- describing documentary photography
- used in graphic design
Shell-shocked US marine, Vietnam, 1968
- negative side to war
- solider appears scared
- fear is communicated
- emotion of the individual
- negative image
- wrote about semiotics
- concise semiotics analysis
- signifiers are hearts, cherub, bottle, composition and text
- connotes - love and happiness
- denotes - heart shape
- connotes- heaven
- connotes - coca cola's shape of bottle
- denotes - bottle
- connotes - pours out of coca cola
- connotes - original phrase 'live on the bright side of life'
- signifiers are silk fabric and the cut
- silk connotes - luxury, femininity
- colour also feminine
- signifier - cowboy - masculinity
- posture - relaxed
- pattern connotes the celts
- cultural knowledge helps us read it
- signifiers - white house / finger
- white house connotes USA/power
- finger - connotes cursing
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